Presenting together with Danny McMillan: Decode Rufus: Strategies to Get Your Products Recommended
In their presentation, Danny and Oana will uncover how Rufus operates behind the scenes to connect user questions with product recommendations and why mastering this process can transform your business. They will share strategies for optimizing your listings to align with Rufus’ ranking mechanisms and demonstrate how to leverage data insights to elevate your advertising efforts. After the presentation, you will leave equipped with actionable tips to enhance visibility and ensure your products reach the right customers.
About Oana:
Oana Padurariu is an Amazon expert with a strong foundation in advertising and SEO, recognized for her science-driven approach to mastering Amazon’s intricate platform. Over the years, she has worked with brands of all sizes – from ambitious startups to established enterprises – creating tailored advertising strategies and focusing on tactics that reach and engage their target audiences. This year, she uncovered fresh insights into how Amazon’s ranking system truly works through in-depth analysis of the Cosmo framework, extensive study of Amazon’s algorithm patents, and deep exploration of Rufus. This dedication allows her to guide brands away from outdated tactics and toward strategies that drive measurable results. Currently building Stardust, Oana is redefining how brands approach Amazon growth. With a comprehensive understanding of Amazon’s systems and a passion for optimization, she blends technical expertise, creative problem-solving, and actionable insights to empower businesses to achieve sustainable success. Stardust reflects Oana’s vision of providing scalable, innovative solutions that transform challenges into opportunities, helping brands maximize their potential in an ever-changing marketplace.